Jungheinrich guarantee high quality standards providing state of the art forklifts and staker cranes.
Sacma provides freestanding bay racking representing an extremely important factor for success in the construction of the new automated warehouse.
Zecchetti provides miniload to manage boxes in the automated warehouse.
Netlog Consulting established with Neologistica an effective collaboration that allowed the study and design of the whole movement of the automated warehouse.
IT Log collaborate with Neologistica providing the graphic system that allows the correct handling of good in the automated warehouse.
consortium Netcomm promotes the growth and spread of e-commerce in Italy, helping companies in their digital evolution for consumers benefit and the entire system of the country.
Contract Logistics Observatory Neologistica is an active partner of the Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano, which studies the evolution of the market for Contract Logistics in Italy, analysing areas of activity, its players and used technologies.